When OpenAI first released custom GPTs I got really excited about the possibilities. It lined up perfectly with my interest in no/low code development and promised to be a fun project.
So I found a copy of the script of the game and loaded it into my custom GPT and was amazed that the game was playable right off the bat
The original game is notoriously difficult so instead of just having it follow the script of the game exactly i told it to be helpful to the user.
Without telling it specifically to do anything other than that you are able to use it to play the game just like the original or do crazy things like have it generate a map of the game world for you as you play.
What could you do with this technology in a modern game environment. As the technology gets better and better could you have it make an interactive 3d game just by supplying it with a script? Doesn’t seem as crazy as it sounds.