On the face of it this discussion around Facebook gaming sounded like a total snore, another company doing cloud gaming. We already have Google, Amazon and Microsoft pushing out their solutions and I dont see any world where I pick facebooks option over these other three.
But after hearing more about their plans I think Facebooks plans here are actually pretty interesting. They are specifically targeting mobile games and they are really building cloud "demos" of the games so you can try them out right from an ad, but the expectation is that if you like them you'll download them from the app store like you normally would.
This seems very similar to what Apple is trying to do with app clips. I specifically remember a great post by M.G. Siegler called the The Magic of iOS ‘App Clip’ Demos. In the article he talked about a game maker linking to a app clip of their game right from their website and it being kind of a magical experience to have it start playing right away.
Its this magic that facebook seems to be going for as well. So it begs he questions, why not just use app clips in your facebook ads, why should developers use facebooks cloud service? Andriod support is a big one of course but is that the only real benefit?