Salon94 is a Manhattan-based art gallery with three locations. They needed a cleaner, more considered, and more powerful website. We redesigned their site with simplified navigation, made their site mobile-ready, replaced their overly complex CMS, added an online store for art objects and publications, and built a sophisticated previewing tool for viewing artworks in the gallery spaces themselves.
Salon94 represents a group of artists producing vibrant, energetic, and challenging work. Our focus in design was to leave as much space to display the artworks themselves while maintaining enough of a presence to clearly maintain Salon94's branding and identity.
By keeping a simple type palette and spare colors, based on Salon94′s existing branding, we were able to reinforce the presence and purpose of the gallery while foregrounding the artwork the gallery presents.
In the two years after we launched Salon94's new website, mobile and tablet traffic has increased 130%. By accomodating a wide range of devices, the site is more convenient for its visitors.
When presenting multiple artworks online, it can be very easy to lose a sense of the scale of each work — small works will be scaled up so that their details can be seen. We built a simple but elegant interactive tool to show the actual scale of many of the paintings shown on Salon94's website, as displayed in images of each of their actual gallery spaces.